While he had some degree of free will, he was also unaware that he was a pawn of Darth Sidious. It's also not clear how autonomous Snoke was.While it's indicated that he has memories of events going back to the Fall of the Republic, more evidence suggests that he was actually created in the middle of the Imperial Era or even after the Battle of Endor. It's not completely clear when Snoke was created.invoked Of course, it turns out this was because he was created with the DNA of several donors. However, his height, his coloring, and the fact that even without the scarring, his face just looks wrong suggests otherwise. Ambiguously Human: Although he is confirmed to be an alien, he can be mistaken for a malformed-looking human-as the proportions of his hands, legs, eyes, and nose are similar to human standards.Meanwhile, in the novelization, he sneers at Hux's methods (which is Boring, but Practical brute force calculation). Adaptational Jerkass: In the film version of The Last Jedi, he laughs and praises Hux for tracking the Resistance through lightspeed.Actually a Doombot: Snoke is actually a pawn of Emperor Palpatine, serving as his eyes and ears while the Sith Lord recovers from his injuries.This ends up coming back to bite Snoke in a major way, as it provokes Kylo into forsaking his loyalty to Snoke and murdering him to save Rey, who notably doesn't mistreat him. Abusive Parent: As a Parental Substitute to Kylo Ren, Snoke is physically, emotionally and psychologically abusive, exploiting Kylo's vulnerabilities and mental instability to both motivate and control him.Snoke appeared to have some degree of autonomy from Sidious, but was nonetheless completely unaware of his status as a pawn to help Kylo Ren ascend, and to allow Sidious to reestablish his Empire over his corpse. While much of his life remains shrouded in mystery, it was eventually revealed that Snoke was actually an artificial creation of Darth Sidious, who he used for two purposes: to consolidate control over various fractured Imperial forces to form the First Order after the Galactic Civil War, and to corrupt the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. Snoke was betrayed after he humiliated his student and threatened Rey, who Kylo formed an unlikely bond with - Kylo killed his master and assumed the title of Supreme Leader for himself. Initially presenting himself as an ally to Ben Solo, he helped turn him against his family and embrace the Dark Side of the Force as Kylo Ren. He has no permanent base of operations, preferring to contact his underlings via hologram from his gigantic ship, the Supremacy. Snoke is also a powerful wielder of the Dark Side and the teacher of Kylo Ren. The Supreme Leader of the First Order military junta, Snoke commands General Hux and the rest of the resurgent Imperial Military in their goal of building a New Galactic Empire.